I got this error while connecting to mqtt broker with org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 1.2.5Solution is use “ssl://mqtt.domain.com:8883” instead of “tcp://mqtt.domain.com:8883”
Just another personal blog
I got this error while connecting to mqtt broker with org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 1.2.5Solution is use “ssl://mqtt.domain.com:8883” instead of “tcp://mqtt.domain.com:8883”
Hi, I was thinking about starting a self-service printing project but found present services below during my research. https://www.printhub.io/en https://www.printcopyandgo.com https://zeccer.com https://printt.com/host I thought there…
contemplative: derin düşünceye dalmış thinking quietly and seriously about something
concoct an elaborate ruse : ayrıntılı bir oyun/tuzak tezgahlamak
Merhaba, huawei matebook laptop’un type-c şeklinde olan şarj girişi bozulmuştu. Anakarta bağlı lehimler kopmuş kablo takılmalarından dolayı. Tekrar olmaması için şöyle güzel bir ürün buldum…
I’m using this docker image to use lets encrypt for my website. But files larger than 1gb can not be downloaded with default settings. This…
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As a simple example consider an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 for which the radius of the area that will experience strong ground shaking is roughly…